Topics that will be studied during the course of the year
- Motion: Motion in one and two dimensions, including Uniform motion, Accelerated motion, Vectors, Projectile motion
- Forces: Newton’s Laws, Vector free-body diagrams, types of forces
- Gravitation: Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation, gravitational fields, gravitation as a cause of circular motion, Motion of the planets and satellites
- Circular Motion: Period, frequency, free-body diagrams, tangential velocity, centripetal forces and acceleration, causes of circular motion
- Work, Energy & Power: Forces and Work, Power, Kinetic and Potential Energy, Work-Energy Theorem, the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Momentum: Impulse, Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, Elastic and Inelastic collisions
- Electricity: Electrostatic forces, Coulomb’s Law, Electric fields, Electric Potential, Electric Current, Circuits
Materials you will need EVERY CLASS
- notebook to keep organized notes
- folder or binder to keep all handouts and other papers organized
- iPad
- calculator to solve problems
- writing implement
Grading Break Down
- Tests: 45%
- Labs: 20%
- Quizzes: 25%
- Homework: 10%
Midyear Test
Students will take a midyear test at the end of 2nd MP or beginning of 3rd MP. It will count as a double test grade. Students will receive a review guide several days before the test is given.
Final Exam
Students will take a Final Exam at the end of the school year. The final exam is worth 16% of the student’s total grade for the course. Students will receive a review guide several days before the Exam.
School Closings
In the event that a test, quiz, or assignment is due on a day there is an emergency school closing, the test or quiz will be given the following school day or the assignment will be due the following school day.
Extra Help
Extra help is available after school. You can find me in room F226; all you have to do is ask.
Physics after school help days are every Thursday and some Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:10-4:10pm in room F219. A schedule is posted in your classroom. Here you may receive help from another physics teacher.
Makeup Work
It is your responsibility to seek me out the day you come back to get make up work. If you do not make up the work within the guidelines outlined in your student handbook, the zero will remain.
Academic Integrity
Students caught cheating will receive a zero for the assignment and other penalties as appropriate, which may include a disciplinary referral to the office and a phone call home. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
- Copying homework or lab answers from another student.
- Turning in the same formal lab report as a lab partner even if you worked together.
- Using unauthorized notes during tests.
- Copying text from the Internet and submitting it as your own writing.
- Sharing answers during or after a testing situation.
Field Trip (May or June)
Physics students will apply skills learned throughout the year at Six Flags Great Adventure (pending Board approval). Students will analyze various amusement park rides by taking measurements and performing calculations which describe the motion of the rides. Students must complete all calculations at the park if they attend the trip. Students who do not attend must complete an equivalent assignment during class that day. Assignments will not be accepted late.
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