Famous Physicists

You will be assigned a famous physicist. Your job is to research that physicist and discover their accomplishments as well as their impact on everyday life. You will be asked to create a one paragraph summary of your research on that physicist that you will read to the class. This will count as a classwork grade.


1. James Watt

2. Johannes van der Waals

3. Joseph John Thomson

4. Thales

5. J. Robert Oppenheimer

6. Max Karl Ernst Planck

7. Robert Hooke

8. Galileo Galilei

9. Michael Faraday

10. Enrico Fermi

11. Rene Descartes

12. Henry Cavendish

13. John Douglas Cockcroft

14. Ludwig Eduard Boltzman

15. Aristotle

16. Paul Dirac

17. Max Born

18. Johannes Kepler

19. Blaise Pascal

20. Hideki Yukawa