All About them Brakes, 'Bout Them Brakes, Brake Pedal

  1. What are disc brakes and how do they work?
  2. In a vehicle using disc brakes, what are two points where friction helps stop the car?
  3. What are drum brakes and how do they work?
  4. In a vehicle using drum brakes, what are two points where friction helps stop the car?
  5. If you can't upgrade your brakes from disc brakes to drum brakes, what could you upgrade to help you stop faster?
  6. What does ice and snow do to the coefficient of friction between a wheel and the road?
  7. What is an Antilock Brake System and what does it do?
  8. Why are ABS systems important?
  9. What are air brakes and why are they used?
  10. What is engine braking, and how does it relate to Newton's 1st law?